[When I google myself, I find out that I am A) a well-known bondage and S
& M expert and B) work with very exciting ceramics. The 6 degrees of separation theory
means that I may well actually link to one of my doppelgangers (although this theory is now more accurately known as the 7 degrees theory, as statistically
it averaged out at 6.6 degrees between people). Everything is connected.
At this particular moment in time I am listening to my heartbeat
amplified through a stethophone, filling the room with the sounds of my
body. The things that
I am interested in are rooted in well-trodden areas. Cliché’s. Over used romantic
imagery. And yet, I can’t escape it. At one point I did try hard to strip things down, back
to simplistic or emotionally neutral ideas. I gave up trying to do this. Life is hard enough.]